
Apart from the config.yml some additional configuration is possible when manually running with the

  • --uri The URI to get the usage_scenario.yml from.
    • If given a URL starting with http(s) the tool will try to clone a remote repository to /tmp/green-metrics-tool/repo
    • If given a local directory starting with /, this will be used instead.
  • --branch When providing a git repository, optionally specify a branch
  • --name A name which will be stored to the database to discern this run from others
  • --filename An optional alternative filename if you do not want to use “usage_scenario.yml”
  • --config-override Override the configuration file with the passed in yml file.
    • Must be located in the same directory as the regular configuration file. Pass in only the name.
  • --no-file-cleanup flag to not delete the metric provider data in /tmp/green-metrics-tool
  • --debug flag to activate steppable debug mode
    • This allows you to enter the containers and debug them if necessary.
  • --allow-unsafe flag to activate unsafe volume bindings, ports, and complex env vars
    • Arbitrary volume bindings into the containers. They are still read-only though
    • Port mappings to the host OS.
    • Non-Strict ENV vars mapped into container
  • --skip-unsafe flag to skip unsafe volume bindings, ports and complex env vars
    • This is typically done when reusing already present compose.yml files without the need to alter the file
  • --skip-system-checks Skip checking the system if the GMT can run
  • --verbose-provider-boot flag to boot metric providers gradually
    • This will enable the user to see the impact of each metric provider more clearly
    • There will be a 10 second sleep for two seconds after each provider boot
    • RAPL metric providers will be prioritized to start first, if enabled
  • --full-docker-prune Stop and remove all containers, build caches, volumes and images on the system
  • --docker-prune Prune all unassociated build caches, networks volumes and stopped containers on the system
  • --dev-no-metrics Skips loading the metric providers. Runs will be faster, but you will have no metric
  • --dev-no-sleeps Removes all sleeps. Resulting measurement data will be skewed.
  • --dev-no-build Checks if a container image is already in the local cache and will then not build it. Also doesn’t clear the images after a run. Please note that skipping builds only works the second time you make a run since the image has to be built at least initially to work.
  • --dev-flow-timetravel Allows to repeat a failed flow or timetravel to beginning of flows or restart services
  • --dev-no-optimizations Disables the creation of potential optimization recommendations based on the measurement run.
  • --print-logs Prints the container and process logs to stdout

These options are not available when doing cron runs.

Typical calls

Local app

python3 --uri PATH_TO_MY_SAMPLE_APP_FOLDER --name "MY_NAME"

GitHub repository

python3 --uri --name "MY_NAME"