
The usage_scenario.yml consists of these main blocks:

  • networks - Handles the orchestration of networks
  • services - Handles the orchestration of containers
  • flow - Handles the interaction with the containers
  • compose-file* - A compose file to include.

*: means these values are optional.

Its format is an extended subset of the Docker Compose Specification, which means that we keep the same format, but disallow some options and also add some exclusive options to our tool. However, keys that have the same name are also identical in function - thought potentially with some limitations.

At the beginning of the file you should specify name, author, and architecture. These will help you later on tell what the scenario is doing.

Linux and Darwin are the only supported architectures. If you don’t mention an architecture it will run on both.

Please note that when running the measurement you can supply an additional name, which can and should be different from the name in the usage_scenario.yml.

The idea is to have a general name for the usage_scenario.yml and another one for the specific measurement run.

Example for the start of a usage_scenario.yml

name: My Hugo Test
author: Arne Tarara <[email protected]>
description: This is just an example usage_scenario ...

When running the we would then set --name for instance to: Hugo Test run on my Macbook



  name: wordpress-mariadb-data-green-coding-network
  • networks: [dict] (Dictionary of network dictionaries for orchestration)
    • name: [NETWORK] [a-zA-Z0-9_] The name of the network with a trailing colon. No value required.



    image: gcb_wordpress_mariadb
      MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: somewordpress
      MYSQL_DATABASE: wordpress
      MYSQL_USER: wordpress
      MYSQL_PASSWORD: wordpress
      - 3306:3306
      - sleep 20
      - wordpress-mariadb-data-green-coding-network
      test: curl -f http://nc
      interval: "30s"
      timeout: "10s"
      retries: 10
      start_period: "10s"
      disable: False
    # ...
      gcb-wordpress-mariadb: service_healthy
    # ...
      - gcb-wordpress-mariadb      
  • services [dict]: (Dictionary of container dictionaries for orchestration)
    • [CONTAINER]: [a-zA-Z0-9_] The name of the container/service
      • image: [str] Docker image identifier. If build is not provided the image needs to be accessible locally on Docker Hub. If build is provided it is used as identifier for the image.
      • build: [str] (optional) Path to build context. See context for restrictions. Default for dockerfile is Dockerfile. Alternatively, you can provide more detailed build information with:
        • context: [str] (optional) Path to the build context. Needs to be in the path or repo that is passed with --uri to Default: ..
        • dockerfile: [str] (optional) Path to Dockerfile. Needs to be in context. Default: Dockerfile.
      • container_name: [a-zA-Z0-9_] (optional) With this key you can overwrite the name of the container. If not given, the defined service name above is used as the name of the container.
      • environment: [dict|list] (optional)
        • Either Key-Value pairs for ENV variables inside the container
        • Or list items with strings in the format: MYSQL_PASSWORD=123
      • ports: [int:int] (optional)
        • Docker container portmapping on host OS to be used with --allow-unsafe flag.
      • depends_on: [list|dict] (optional)
        • Can either be an list of services names on which the service is dependent. It affects the startup order and forces the dependency to be “ready” before the service is started.
        • Or it can be an dict where each key represents a service as a string. The string then can have two values:
          • service_healthy: Will wait for the container until the docker healthcheck returns healthy.
          • service_started: Similar to the list syntax this will enforce a starting order and just wait until the container has been created.
      • setup-commands: [list] (optional)
        • List of commands to be run before actual load testing. Mostly installs will be done here. Note that your docker container must support these commands and you cannot rely on a standard linux installation to provide access to /bin
      • volumes: [list] (optional)
        • List of volumes to be mapped. Only read if is executed with --allow-unsafe flag
      • networks: [list] (optional)
        • The networks to put the container into. If no networks are defined throughout the usage_scenario.yml the container will be put into the default network will all others in the file.
      • healthcheck: [dict] (optional)
        • Please see the definition of these arguments and how healthcheck works in the official docker compose definition. We just copy them over: Docker compose healthcheck specification
        • test: [str|list]
        • interval: [str]
        • timeout: [str]
        • retries: [integer]
        • start_period: [str]
        • disable: [boolean]
      • folder-destination: [str] (optional)
        • Specify where the project that is being measured will be mounted inside of the container
        • Defaults to /tmp/repo
      • command: [str] (optional)
        • Command to be executed when container is started. When container does not have a daemon running typically a shell is started here to have the container running like bash or sh.
      • shell: [str] (optional)
        • Will execute the setup-commands in a shell. Use this if you need shell-mechanics like redirection > or chaining &&.
        • Please use a string for a shell command here like sh, bash, ash etc. The shell must be available in your container
      • log-stdout: [boolean] (optional)
        • Will log the stdout and make it available through the frontend in the Logs tab.
        • Please see the Best Practices → for when and how to log.
      • log-stderr: [boolean] (optional)
        • Will log the stderr and make it available through the frontend in the Logs tab and in error messages.
        • Please see the Best Practices → for when and how to log.
      • read-notes-stdout: [bool] (optional)
        • Read notes from stdout. Most likely you do not need this, as it also requires customization of your application (writing of a log message in a specific format). It may be helpful if your application has asynchronous operations and you want to know when they have finished.
        • Make sure to also set log-stdout to true. Format specification is documented below in section Read-notes-stdout format specification →.
      • read-sci-stdout: [bool] (optional)

Please note that every key below services will serve as the name of the container later on. You can overwrite the container name with the key container_name.



  - name: Check Website
    container: green-coding-puppeteer-container
    - type: console
      command: node /var/www/puppeteer-flow.js
      note: Starting Puppeteer Flow
      read-notes-stdout: true
    - type: console
      command: sleep 30
      note: Idling
    - type: console
      command: node /var/www/puppeteer-flow.js
      note: Starting Puppeteer Flow again
      read-notes-stdout: true
  - name: Shutdown DB
    container: database-container
      - type: console
      command: killall postgres
  • flow: [list] (List of flows to interact with containers)
    • name: [.\s0-9a-zA-Z_()-]+ An arbitrary name, that helps you distinguish later on where the load happend in the chart
    • container: [a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+ The name of the container specified on setup which you want the run the flow
    • commands: [list]
      • type: [console] (Only console currently supported)
        • console will execute a shell command inside the container
      • command: [str]
        • The command to be executed. If type is console then piping or moving to background is not supported.
      • detach: [bool] (optional. default false)
        • When the command is detached it will get sent to the background. This allows to run commands in parallel if needed, for instance if you want to stress the DB in parallel with a web request
      • note: [str] (optional)
        • A string that will appear as note attached to the datapoint of measurement (optional)
      • ignore-errors: [bool] (optional)
        • If set to true the run will not fail if the process in command has a different exit code than 0. Useful if you execute a command that you know will always fail like timeout 0.1 stress -c 1
      • shell: [str] (optional)
        • Will execute the command in a shell. Use this if you need shell-mechanics like redirection > or chaining &&.
        • Please use a string for a shell command here like sh, bash, ash etc. The shell must be available in your container
      • log-stdout: [boolean] (optional)
        • Will log the stdout and make it available through the frontend in the Logs tab.
        • Please see the Best Practices → for when and how to log.
      • log-stderr: [boolean] (optional)
        • Will log the stderr and make it available through the frontend in the Logs tab and in error messages.
        • Please see the Best Practices → for when and how to log.
      • read-notes-stdout: [bool] (optional)
        • Read notes from the stdout of the command. This is helpful if you have a long running command that does multiple steps and you want to log every step.
        • Make sure to also set log-stdout to true. Format specification is documented below in section Read-notes-stdout format specification →.
      • read-sci-stdout: [bool] (optional)


If you specify the compose-file key the referenced compose file will be included into the usage_scenario. This is a feature so you can develop your app using the standard compose functionality and you don’t need to duplicate your configuration in the usage_scenario.yml file.


compose-file: !include compose.yml

Please see the !include section for more details on how to use this functionality. Through using this syntax you tell the parser to include the compose.yml file before doing any parsing of the usage_scenario. This is done so you can modify values that are defined in the compose file. For example you could have a section in your compose

services: ...
  gcb-wordpress: ...
      - ./wordpress.conf:/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/wordpress.conf:ro

than loads a configuration into the container. Which is fine for your production system but when doing the benchmark you want to load a different configuration file. This can easily be done by just adding

services: ...
  gcb-wordpress: ...
      - ./wordpress_bench.conf:/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/wordpress.conf:ro

into your usage_scenario.yml. Of course you can also add key/values.


It is possible to include files into your usage_scenario.yml. This is useful, for example, if you want to use different flows for various measurements but the services stay the same. Like this you could have a usage_services.yml that has the services section and in your usage_scenario.yml you can

services: !include services.yml

It is also possible to add a key selector so you can select which content you want

services: !include utils.yml services

Read-notes-stdout format specification

If you have the read-notes-stdout set to true your output must have this format:


Example: 1656199368750556 This is my note

Every note will then be consumed and can be retrieved through the API.

Please be aware that the timestamps of the note do not have to be identical with any command or action of the container. If the timestamp however does not fall into the time window of your measurement run it will not be displayed in the frontend.

Flow notes

  • Commands have a time-limit configured in Configuration →. If you measure locally you can increase that limit if needed.
  • In our Green Metrics Tool online version this limit is currently fixed. You may issue multiple separate commands though if you like.
    • We will introduce a fixed limit of 15 Minutes for the whole measurement run for our online version in the near future.