
This is something like an unordered list of frontend features which are maybe helpful if you use the GMT.

1. Deeplinking

GMT allows deeplinking in stats and compare views by directly opening a phase-tab.

To do so just append a # followed by the phase name and optionally followed by two underscores (__) and a sub-phase name.


  • https://metrics.green-coding.io/stats.html?id=1ec10430-a789-44c9-8f7e-c394fc708b25

    • This would always open the Runtime phase tab
  • https://metrics.green-coding.io/stats.html?id=1ec10430-a789-44c9-8f7e-c394fc708b25#BASELINE

    • This would open the Baseline phase tab
  • https://metrics.green-coding.io/stats.html?id=1ec10430-a789-44c9-8f7e-c394fc708b25#RUNTIME__Stress

    • This would open the Runtime phase tab with the Stress sub-phase