Docs → ATX Energy DC Channel → Best Practices → Comparing Measurements → Configuration → Containerizing Own Applications → CPU % - Cgroup - Container → CPU % - Procfs - System → CPU Energy Package - RAPL Component → CPU Frequency - Sysfs - Core → CPU Time - Cgroup - Container → CPU Time - Cgroup - System → CPU Time - Procfs - System → Customization → Debugging Measurements → Deleting Measurements → Demo Project Data → Example Applications → Example Applications → FAQ → GPU Energy - NVIDIA SMI - Component → Green Metrics API → Green Metrics Tool Framework → Installation of a Cluster → Installation on Linux → Installation on MacOS → Installation on Windows → Interacting With Applications → Introduction → Libraries and Components → LM Sensors - Temp - Fanspeed → Measurement Cluster → Measurement Phases → Measurement Process → Measuring GUI Applications → Measuring Locally → Measuring With Hosted Service → Memory Energy - RAPL Component → Memory Total - Cgroup - Container → Metric Providers Overview → Network Connections - Proxy Container → Network IO - Cgroup - Container → Overhead of Measurement Providers → Philosophy & Methodology → PSU Energy - AC - MCP (MCP39F511N) → PSU Energy - AC - Powerspy2 - Machine → PSU Energy - AC - SDIA - Machine → PSU Energy - AC - XGBoost - Machine → PSU Energy - DC - Picolog - Machine → PSU Energy - DC - RAPL Machine → PSU Energy AC - IPMI Machine → Switches → SCI (Green Software Foundation) → Server Calibration → Troubleshooting → Updating → Usage_scenario.yml →